Women’s Ministry

Marietta FUMC has an active women’s ministry whose participants span all stages of life. Our groups welcome women who want to grow in faith, make new friends, connect with like-minded women, and find ways to serve others in our community.

Bible Studies


Bible Studies

Young-ish Women’s Small Group

Meets every Thursday in the Parlor from 9:30-10:30 a.m. facilitated by Reverend Blair Tolbert. Childcare is available during the meeting. We will begin with reading Rachel Held Evan's A Year of Biblical Womanhood. (Book can be purchased on Amazon.) Contact: Sam Rickard; samnell1@comcast.net.

Carol Boone

The Thursday Morning Carol Boone Bible Study will be starting a new study on March 14. We will be studying “All Things New”, A study on 2nd Corinthians, by Kelly Minter. We will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Room 104 (across from the Family Life Hall) and then break out into small groups.

For information or to sign up, contact Martha Lee Sanders at trsanders@mindspring.com.

Women’s Ministry Circles

Marietta First United Methodist Church Women’s Ministry Circles’ Information 

The Women’s Circles originally were part of the United Methodist Women (UMW) Organization. At end of year 2021, the UMW Unit at Marietta First UMC transitioned from an Active Unit to an Inactive Unit and no longer have affiliation and obligations to the National Organization. Due to the extraordinary fellowship and missions work the Unit and Circles had participated in for many years, the Circles elected to continue their meetings and mission work and are now recognized as part of Women’s Ministry. Each Circle’s name identifier is a tribute in memory to former members.



Ruby Cooper Circle

Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in a classroom at the church (no meetings June – August)

Comprised of women, middle-age and up, includes married, single and widows; working women and retired women, yet women of any age are welcome!

Groups/Missions Supported: The Women’s Extension, Cobb Christmas, MUST Ministries, SafePath, 10 Women of Hope, Murphy Harpst, UMCOR

Projects: Dinner at the Women’s Extension, PJs for residents of Women’s Extension; toys for Cobb Christmas; Summer Lunch Program for MUST; monetary support for several organizations

Activities: Circle Members’ Annual Salad Supper and Christmas Dinner

Contact: Judy Davis, 770-722-6874 and Dani Travis, 770-633-7871

Nobia Frey Circle

Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the church library (no meetings June – August). Nobia Frey Circle members host coffee, tea, juice, snacks

Comprised of women, middle-age and up, includes married, single and widows; working women and retired women, yet women of any age are welcome!

Circle meetings: May include Bible-based studies, guest speakers or projects.

Groups/Missions Supported: Paraguay student through Samaritan Hands; Women’s & Men’s Extensions; MUST Ministries Lunch Program; Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; UMCOR; MUST Christmas Toy Shop; Wellroot; Murphy Harpst; MFUMC Good Samaritan Fund; Simple Needs GA.

Activities: Luncheons in spring, summer, and Christmas time. We emphasize fellowship, missions, and support of one another.

Contact: Linda Newiger, 770-432-6160 and Marilyn Mauldin, 770-419-7121

Rev. Blair Tolbert

Associate Minister
770-429-7800 ext. 835