We Have Seen the Lord! The Resurrection in All Four Gospels
Prepare for the Lenten and Easter seasons by joining Candler professor Dr. Elizabeth Arnold as she examines the four gospels' resurrection accounts. Dr. Arnold is a postdoctoral fellow at The Candler Foundry, where she created the Foundations in Faith and Leadership online certificate program for community and church-based theological education. The class will meet in the Reception Hall from 6:30-7:45 pm 1/22-2/26. REGISTER HERE

One Faith, Many Voices
Join us on Sunday mornings in February for “One Faith, Many Voices”, where we celebrate the plurality of musical traditions that underscore Methodist worship throughout the world and through the years. Here is our schedule for each Sunday:
Contemporary (2/9)
African-American Gospel (2/16)
Classical Music (2/23)

Parents Night Out
Join us for Parent’s Night Out on Valentine’s Day, Friday February 14 from 6:00 - 8:30p.m.
Children ages 2 years old through 2nd Grade are welcome to join our Nursery Staff for a night of fun, games, crafts, play, and lots of Valentine fun! All children are encouraged to bring a sack dinner and a water bottle filled with water. A fun theme dessert will be provided.
Cost per child is $35. If you have more than one child attending, each additional child is $25.

Handbell Ringers in Concert!
On Saturday February 15th, at 2:00 p.m., the Genesis and Wesley Ringers present an afternoon of delightful and unexpected musics in a concert featuring our handbell choirs, percussionists, and other special guest instrumentalists. This unique event will include beloved pieces based on beloved sacred hymns and tunes ... and beloved musics from the secular realm as well! Like iconic rock anthems! The Sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church of Marietta is the location. Consider making a suggested donation of $20.

Lost and Found
Wondering where you left that coffee mug or your child's jacket or that missing earring? Maybe it's in our "Lost and Found!" We will have a lost and found table on the Bridge on Sunday, February 16 and 23 so stop by and see if you can "Find" your lost item! Unclaimed items will be donated to appropriate local mission partners.

2025 Mission Trip Information Session
Find out about opportunities to share in God’s love and grace through community development in 2025. The meeting will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Wesley Room, light refreshments will be served.
We are planning trips to Alaska with our church partner, Fairbanks UMC in July and a medical mission to Peru in October.
You can explore being a team member, a team supporter, or just learn more about the world of mission at MFUMC. REGISTER HERE

Family Promise Week
Family Promise Week is February 16- 23. If you are looking for ways to get involved and give back to the community, please sign up for the various service opportunities. Family Promise of Cobb County is a ministry to assist working families with children with temporary shelter and meals at local churches, while they receive support to develop careers and income to obtain their own homes. REGISTER HERE

Senior Adult Ministry Luncheon
Join fellow senior adults on Wednesday, February 19, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in the Family Life Hall for a delightful luncheon. The cost is $10.00 per person. Come hear about the life and experiences of Rev. Fred Finzer in the Christian faith. REGISTER HERE
Lunch Menu:
Firehouse Subs
Tea, Lemonade, Water
If you need assistance in registering, contact Karen Williams at the church 770-429-7800 ext 803.

Young Adult Class Interest Meeting
Marietta FUMC is looking to start a new Sunday School class for people in their 20s and 30s. It’ll be a relaxed space for people in this age group to connect, talk about faith, and get to know others in the same stage of life.
If this speaks to you, join the clergy in Holy Grounds for lunch after services on Sunday, February 23rd. This will be a great opportunity to meet others in the same phase of life and give input into what kind of group you want to be! REGISTER HERE

Bingo with the Ladies!
Back by popular demand! The Women’s Ministry Team is hosting a fun time of fellowship on Sunday afternoon, February 23, starting at 3:00pm in the Reception Hall. We will play BINGO together! This will be a great opportunity to meet other women of the church. Light refreshments will be served. Please register so we know how to plan! REGISTER HERE
Contact Rev. Blair at blairtolbert@mariettafumc.org for more information.

SAM Trip to Funk Heritage Center at Reinhardt University
The Senior Adult Ministry has a trip planned to visit the Funk Heritage Center on the campus of Reinhardt University to explore the culture and stories of Native Americans and early settlers on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025. The cost of the tour is $8.50 which starts at 11:00 am, lunch on your own at the University's student cafeteria. Meet the church buses in the Polk Street parking lot at 9:45 am.
If you need assistance in registering, contact Karen Williams at the church 770-429-7800 ext 803. REGISTER HERE

Sock Hop Dance
MFUMC Children’s Ministry invites church families to join us for our second annual Sock Hop Dance!
We’ll ~get down~ to some oldies, newbies, and favorites, all while doing some good for our local community by putting the ‘Sock’ in Sock Hop!
As a new year begins and spring nears, many outreach programs are running low on supplies. To help them restock, we ask that all attendees bring a pair of socks, which will be delivered by our team to MUST Ministries.
From poodle skirts to hot pants, we can’t wait to see you all dressed to the nines!
Secure your tickets HERE. Cost is per attendee and includes a light dinner.
Thank you for your support!

March Food Drive
Restock the Church Pantry in March to support the Good Samaritan Ministry Assistance program, Blessing Food Bags that feed children at Park Street Elementary and Dunleith Elementary Marietta City Schools weekly, and MUST Summer Lunch. Your efforts and donations throughout the month can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need in the community we serve. Look for donation bins around the church for your non-perishable food donations.
The following is a list of preferred donations:
Canned 10-12 oz tuna and chicken
Peanut butter 16oz or smaller
Canned vegetables
Spaghetti sauce (plastic or can NO GLASS)
Macaroni and cheese 7 oz box
Canned pasta with meat sauce
(such as Chef Boyardee with pop-top)
Beef Stew/Chili 14/15oz can (pop-top)
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Instant oatmeal/grits individual packet
Soup with meat, 16 oz cans or smaller
Peanut butter or cheese crackers
Granola Bars
Fruit cups/applesauce 4 oz
Bottled Water 8 oz
Diapers (sizes 3,4,5)
Baby Wipes
Ready-to-eat single-serve proteins such as; tuna pouch with or without crackers, individual to-go peanut butter 1.5oz cups, beef jerky sticks, Vienna sausage, & granola bars with protein.
Plastic grocery bags are always needed!

Confirmation Sunday
Join us on March 2 at the 9 and 11:15 services for Confirmation Sunday to celebrate our 7th grade Confirmands!

Ash Wednesday
Join us as we begin the season of Lent. We will offer two worship services with the imposition of ashes at 12:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Both services will be in the Sanctuary.

Lent Sermon Series: Unfolding Grace
During the 40 days of Lent, we will journey through the unfolding story of God's grace. From Jesus' victory over temptation to the prodigal son's welcome home, we will focus on how God meets us in our struggles, calls us to repentance, and offers new life through Christ.

Spring Fuse Soccer
We are excited for FUSE Soccer starting! Season begins March 9. Grow in community and inspire the love of the game to your child. REGISTER HERE

Boots & BBQ
We invite our parent community, Weekday alumni parents, and church members to enjoy an evening of music, fellowship, and silent auction items. Boots & BBQ will be held on Thursday, March 13th at Glover Park Brewery. The evening will include a local Bluegrass band and delicious southern fare.
This is the school’s main fundraising event and secures funds necessary to provide the best program for students, families, and teachers. The funds raised allow Weekday to improve the building, such as additional shade for the playground and covering our carpool area. It allows us to keep up with current curriculum trends all with a goal of enhancing the program to meet the community’s needs. As a ministry, Weekday strives to meet the needs of all its students both academically and financially. The funds to meet these goals come primarily from fundraising efforts.
FUMC Weekday Ministry has been an essential part of the historic Marietta landscape for over six decades and has provided an educational foundation for countless children in our community. With your help, we would like to foster the growth of our school and continue to be a place the community can call their preschool home.
Thank you for making a difference. We appreciate your help in making this event one to remember and in turn, helping to provide an even brighter future for the children of Marietta FUMC Weekday Ministry.

Special Guest Preacher
Join us on the Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, to welcome back Dr. Sam Matthews. Dr. Matthews served as the senior pastor of Marietta FUMC from 2003 to 2018. We hope that you can join us at either service!

Starting Point
Starting Sunday, March 16, you are invited to this three week class on Sundays from 10:10-11:00 a.m. in the Hospitality Room for guests and new members to learn more about the ministries, missions, history, and theology of MFUMC. We will conclude with the church tour on Sunday, March 30.

Easter in the Park
Join us for Easter in the Park on Polk on April 13th from 1-3pm! This event is for the whole family, taking place in our beautiful park, and will include an egg hunt, yard games, food, and more. We hope you'll be able to join us!

Church Family Supper
Enjoy Church Family Supper on Wednesday, February 12, from 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Family Life Hall. Come hungry and ready to enjoy a delicious cookout with your church family!
Please register online so we know you’re coming & can plan accordingly. The cost is $7 a meal with a $25 family cap. Children 3-12 years old $5, ages 3 and under eat free.
There will be NO Church Family Supper on February 19, due to school winter break.

The Walk: 5 Essential Practices for Lent
In the Gospels, Jesus modeled for us the Christian spiritual life. The apostles taught it in their writings. And the Church has, through the last 2,000 years, sought to pursue this Christian spiritual life. REGISTER HERE
This Lent, join Revs Julie, Blair, and Ryan for a look at five essential spiritual practices that are rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God and taught throughout the New Testament. Each of these practices is intended as part of our daily walk with Christ while also being an essential part of growing together in the church.
This class will be taught on both Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings through Lent. The sessions will be identical, so you can choose whichever day is best for you!
Sundays: March 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6
Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26, and April 2

Discovery Weekend
All youth are invited to Discovery Weekend, February 7-9! Throughout the weekend, students play games, experience worship, hear challenging messages, and participate in a service project. REGISTER HERE

Men's Breakfast
Join the Men of the church for breakfast with Georgia Radio Hall of Fame Legend Spiff Carner on Saturday, February 1 at 7:30 a.m. in the Family Life Hall.
Learn about the iconic radio duo of Randy and Spiff while you get to know your fellow man and enjoy breakfast together. REGISTER HERE

Wonderfully Made
You and your son or daughter are invited to participate in a special event called Wonderfully Made! Open to children in the 5th and 6th grades, Wonderfully Made is a United Methodist resource that offers preteens and their parents an opportunity to begin the important conversations about bodies, human growth, sexuality, reproduction and relationships from a Christian perspective. It will offer both you and your child an opportunity to learn, grow, and celebrate the fact that we have each been wonderfully made by God.

Power 45 Winter Kick-Off
Join us on Sunday, January 26, from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30p.m. for our first meeting of 2025! We will be meeting in the Welcome Center at 1:00 p.m., then head to Marietta Square Market for lunch and fellowship. Pick-up will be at the Welcome Center at 2:30 p.m. Make sure you send money with your child to purchase their choice of lunch! REGISTER HERE

2025 Mission Trip Information Session
Find out about opportunities to share in God’s love and grace through community development in 2025. The meeting will be held at 12:30 pm in the Hospitality Room, light refreshments will be served.
We are planning trips to Alaska with our church partner, Fairbanks UMC in July and a medical mission to Peru in October.
You can explore being a team member, a team supporter, or just learn more about the world of mission at MFUMC.

2025 Grow Day Camp
Grow Day Camp is coming back to Marietta FUMC this summer from June 9th-13th. This camp is available for rising 1st graders through rising 6th graders.
Grow (facilitated by Camp Glisson) brings the powerful experience of camp ministry to local churches. Packed with activities that contribute to learning new skills and building Christian community, the focus throughout is for each camper to grow deeper roots in their faith (grow spiritually), in their ability to work as a team (grow socially), and in self-confidence as a loved child of God (grow individually).
Counselors plan each day’s activities with the theme of the day and week in mind – from chapel and Bible story time to archery and field games and everything in between. Each summer’s theme is based on professionally developed camp ministry curriculum that is age appropriate, based on scripture, and respectful of creation. REGISTER HERE

Women of Faith Bible Study
The Women of Faith Bible Study will start back on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in Room 303. Beginning in January, they will study the book He Speaks to Me by Priscilla Shirer. Join with other women in study and fellowship from January to May. If you have questions, please reach out to Martha Lee Sanders (trsanders@mindspring.com).

Senior Adult Ministry Luncheon with Wanda Grogan
Join us on Wednesday, January 15, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in the Family Life Hall for a delightful luncheon. The cost is $10.00 per person. Come enjoy the company of fellow seniors and hear from our beloved Facilities Coordinator, Wanda Grogan, as she shares stories, wit, and prayer. We look forward to seeing you there! REGISTER HERE
Lunch Menu:
Grown up Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Tomato Soup
Tea, Lemonade, Water
If you need assistance in registering, contact Karen Williams at the church 770-429-7800 ext 803

Say Yes! Ministry Fair
Find ways to get connected in the New Year on Sunday, January 12, 2025 at the "Say Yes!" Ministry Fair. Information about volunteer opportunities and church events in all of our Ministry Areas will be available at multiple locations around the church. Start the new year with new ways to grow in service, grace and love. For more information, contact Rev. Blair Tolbert.

God First: Our 2025 Theme
In 2025, our worship will focus on the theme God First, encouraging us to center our lives on God’s presence and guidance. Following the Revised Common Lectionary, we will reflect on what it means to put God first in our hearts, relationships, resources, and daily living. Through scripture, prayer, and the rhythms of the Christian year, we will journey together, discovering how placing God First can bring clarity, balance, and a deeper sense of purpose to our lives.

The 9:00 a.m. worship service at First United Methodist Church of Marietta is canceled. We will hold in-person worship at 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, January 12, along with the Leadership Dedication and Orientation Luncheon.
We will have Sunday school and Starting Point at 10:10 am.
The 11:15 a.m. service will be in-person and live-streamed HERE.
We encourage you to choose the option that best suits your situation and use your best judgment regarding road conditions near your home and along your route. For safety reasons, areas in the church parking lot will be sectioned off. Your safety is our top priority.
Stay safe and warm. We look forward to worshiping with you—whether in person or online!

Year-End Contributions to Marietta FUMC
To make in-person year-end contributions to the church, please do so on Sunday, December 22 or December 29, or at the Welcome Center during one of the following times:
- Monday, 12/30, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, 12/31, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
All items paid at mariettafumc.org/give or postmarked by December 31 will post to your 2024 giving statement. Any gifts of stock and/or securities must be in our brokerage account by December 31 to receive 2024 credit. Contact Teresa Bowling at 770-429-7800 ext. 807 or teresabowling@mariettafumc.org for further information or if you have any questions.

One Worship Service
We will have one worship service on Sunday, December 29 at 10:30am in the Sanctuary! Join us as we continue with the Christmas spirit, singing and proclaiming the good news of Jesus' birth.

Christmas Festival Choir
Choir Opportunity! Do you like to sing but can't commit to singing for rehearsals and worship every week? Do you enjoy Christmas music? YOU are all welcome to join the Festival Choir! The Festival Choir will begin rehearsals on Wednesday, November 6. The Festival Choir will join the Chancel Choir for Christmas Eve and Sunday December 29.
For more information, please contact the Director of Music for more information: nicolemarane@mariettafumc.org.

Christmas Eve Hospitality: Greeters & Ushers
Be a part of our Hospitality Team for Christmas Eve! Greeters, ushers and golf cart drivers offer a warm welcome to all who enter our campus for this very special night. Contact Beth Dawson if you have questions.

Christmas Eve Services
Christmas Eve Services in the Sanctuary - Tuesday, December 24
Children's Nativity Service: 3:00 p.m.
Candlelight Communion: 4:00 p.m. | 7:00 p.m. | 11:00 p.m.
Nursery will be available for the 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. services.

Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Luncheon
Join us for a festive Senior Adult Ministry Christmas Luncheon at the home of Jane Cooley on Wednesday, December 18 at 12:00 noon. Enjoy a delicious Italian lunch, fellowship, and holiday cheer in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Show off your baking skills by providing a dessert for the luncheon!
Cost: $10 per person
Space is limited to 30 attendees, so please sign up as soon as possible. The cutoff for sign-ups is December 17th.
We look forward to celebrating the season with you!

Women of Faith Bible Study
The Women of Faith Bible Study will start back on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 9:30-11:30am in Room 303. In the new year, the group will study (Will get book title asap) Join with other women in study and fellowship from January to May. If you have questions, please reach out to Martha Lee Sanders (trsanders@mindspring.com)

Lessons & Carols
Join us on Sunday, December 15, at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. worship services for the story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus as told in Bible readings, interspersed with the congregational singing of carols and hymns; and choral anthems. This year's Lessons and Carols will highlight the panoply of First Church's musical offerings, including our youngest of music liturgists.

Christmas Angels
Being a Christmas angel to a family in your community is a wonderful way to spread joy during the holiday season.

A Celtic Christmas with Emmet Cahill
On Monday, December 9th, 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary, World acclaimed Irish Tenor, Emmet Cahill will perform. Cahill hails from Mullingar, Ireland, and is the lead singer with PBS phenomenon Celtic Thunder. He will be accompanied by Pianist Seamus Brett with featured performances by the First United Methodist Church of Marietta’s Chancel Choir and the new Glatter-Götz Pipe Organ. This Christmas concert will include stunning renditions of your favorite Christmas carols and sing-a-longs for the entire audience.

SAM Trip to Bethlehem Walk
Join the Senior Adult Ministry for a trip to the Bethlehem Walk, an immersive, interactive recreation of ancient Bethlehem, at Mountain View Church on Saturday, December 7 at 6:30 p.m. Meet at the drive through under the bridge at the Family Life Hall. REGISTER HERE

Christmas In The Park
Join us for Christmas in the Park on Polk on Saturday, December 7, from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.!
We love kicking off the season of Advent together and preparing our hearts for the coming of our Savior. This year, we'll have cookie decorating, a Chrismon craft station (NEW), a Story Walk offering (NEW), a petting zoo, Family Christmas pictures, and more!
We hope to see you and your family there!

SAM Fall Trip to Pigeon Forge
The Senior Adult Ministry is going to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee from Wednesday, December 4 through Friday, December 6. Choice of single or double occupancy in the Music Road Resort. Reserve your spot with a $200 deposit.
Early Bird discount of $50 until June 15th. Final Payment due by September 15th, 2024. No refunds after November 4th, if registration is canceled.
If you need assistance registering, please contact Karen Williams at the church, extension 803.

Special Charge Conference
Our church is blessed with significant assets, some of which are not being currently utilized by the church and may be put to better use.
Therefore, in accordance with The United Methodist Church Book of Discipline, the Trustees of The First United Methodist Church of Marietta, Georgia have called for a special charge conference to consider a resolution regarding the sale of certain church properties specifically, 96 Whitlock Ave., better known as the parsonage, and 92 Whitlock Ave., better known as the Rock House.
The charge conference is scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The charge conference is open to all members of The First United Methodist Church of Marietta and we encourage you to come, discuss, and vote on this important matter.

Family Advent Wreath Workshop
Families of all ages are invited to join us for an Advent Wreath Workshop on December 1st during the Sunday School hour (10:10-11:10am)!
Together, we’ll create a wreath to celebrate the Advent season (complete with a take-home liturgy) and a banner to hang on your mantle or your tree that we’ll decorate with this year’s Advent theme: Be Near Me, Lord Jesus.
We’ll gather in the Family Life Hall to make these beautiful Advent items, and enjoy some refreshments together as a church family!
Cost is $15 per family, which covers all supplies to create one wreath and one banner per family.
*Please just register one member of your family for the workshop and then answer the custom question about how many individuals in your family will attend with you.*
We hope you can join us!

Power 45 Christmas: Progressive Dinner
Join us on Sunday, December 15th, from 5-7pm for a progressive dinner to celebrate the Christmas season! We will be meeting in the Welcome Center at 4:45pm to load up on the buses, and we’ll depart from campus at 5pm to head to our first stop. Take a look at our schedule below:
- Stop 1: Appetizers at the Davis House (~30 minutes)
- Stop 2: Main Course at the Angel House (~45 minutes)
- Stop 3: Dessert and Hot Cocoa at the Engram House (~30 minutes)
Each stop will feature some food and a fun activity to do while we enjoy the festive food. Come in your Christmas best and bring a friend (just make sure to sign them up :))!

Senior Adult Ministry Community Friendsgiving
This month we are doing something different, lunch will be held on Thursday, (not Wednesday) on November 21st from 12 noon to 1 pm in the Family Life Hall. Share with community members, attending the Good Samaritan Ministry, a Thanksgiving meal.
The lunch will be a potluck, volunteers are needed to bring a dish, help set up, and serve. Click HERE to sign up to bring a dish to share.
Please REGISTER HERE if you plan to enjoy lunch, so we know you’re coming and can plan accordingly to have enough turkey to feed everyone.